Honor the Past, Protect the Future

instructor Curriculum

Electric vehicle foundations

EV Foundations provides a comprehensive understanding of how EVs work through a hands-on practicum around a 100v powertrain. Students will delve into EV history, fundamental electrical theory, provide systems analysis comparing combustion systems to battery electric systems, identify EV components, and wire, program, test, and tune a 100V training bench.

Legacy EV's curriculum uses a self-paced online curriculum with turnkey lesson plans, quizzes, tests, and handouts. The curriculum was developed based on the EV Technician standards created by EVSC.

Curriculum At-A-Glance

This curriculum is designed as the in-person learning companion for your EV Foundations Student Course. 30% of learning is done by your students online using the EV Foundations Course and 70% of learning is done using this curriculum and the 100v Training Bench. For a full overview of the lessons, materials, and associated online EV Foundations modules please see your Intro to EV Foundations Syllabus in the Course Player.

44 Lessons     Geared towards 11th grade+     Instructional Aid: 100V EV Powertrain Training Bench  
Certifications: Level 1 High Voltage Safety, Level 2 High Voltage Safety

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Core Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and describe all EV components and subsystems, and evaluate their interrelationships and functions within the overall vehicle operation.
  • Perform live measurements on high voltage systems using appropriate electrical measurement equipment meeting all safety requirements.
  • Demonstrate safe high voltage disconnection procedures and effectively locate and operate Manual Service Disconnects (MSD) and High Voltage Interlock (HVIL) circuits on electric vehicles.
  • Verify and assess high voltage bus discharge and isolation fault detection systems, ensuring adequate discharging of stored energy and monitoring for high voltage leakage.
  • Analyze the components and battery pack configurations specific to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), including their form factor, chemistry, and kWh ratings, through hands-on examination of physical battery packs and graphical representations.
  • Determine electrical characteristics and behaviors in various EV systems and components using Ohm’s Law and Watt’s Law.
  • Implement high voltage safety protocols and select appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), demonstrating the ability to apply best practices for avoiding electrical shock when working on EV systems.
  • Demonstrate the startup, commissioning processes, and operational principles of Battery Management Systems (BMS), Electric Vehicle Charge Controllers (EVCC), and Motor Controllers.
  • Interpret diagnostic data to troubleshoot electrical faults within EV systems, developing and proposing actionable plans to resolve identified issues based on industry best practices.
  • Demonstrate proper techniques in reading wiring diagrams and performing wire terminations, employing electrical testing tools to evaluate the safety and functionality of electrical connections in EVs.

Legacy ev instructional strategies

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Skills-based learning

Rubrics and Skills Matrices provided to evaluate student skill proficiency 

Collaborative Lab Practicums

Group roles and tasks ensure 100% group engagements in hands-on activities 

Differentiation and Extensions

Flexible lesson plans to fit a variety of student learning styles
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Course Lessons